Sunday 2 March 2014

OMG plz betas come back to us!

                                           UMMM  HEY JAMMERS OF THE WONDERFUL
                                                     AND STRANGE  PLACE OF JAMAA

Like i said, hey wut up jammers i just wanna know what would you like to see on this page of wonderful blogging blogspot.I made this blog cuz i wanna know, how would u feel if AJ had betas all over again.

lemme give ya some information about beta days.

ok so, jamma at those days had no scammers.all the jammers lived in peace without obsessing over rares and old items and wacky stuff like that(sometimes i wish i could email aj about how i really want the beta days to come back.

as u can see here,there was no apondable,so that means no pets witch i dont care about :I. omg,it looks like the lost temple of zios and the crystal sands are connected -.-  . k anyway evrything look so emty  :U ..

here are some items i really wish could come scroll  down

i wish the top hats came back to store beacuse i am strangely obsessed with top hats. and omg the prices are low for a top hat... and what the heck is that skull think witch i dont understand :I.all items look much better here. in my opinion.


i think it looks way more modern than our journals we read.and they have stuff to do! wut is wrong with jamaa right now!and here it says animal jam is online.wut, ok i am confused cause animal jam was another game before it went online. who knows where aj started cause idk.

kk. thats it for now bye jammers

by : kayla09773 aj

1 comment:

  1. kewl i wish the beta days came back as well cuz all my stuff got taken that was beta when i got hacked :(
